Hank Story
Sin Bassett
Rex Pennington
George Lair
Blitz Kemmerer
Coal Williams
Blu Davis
Pepper Kuhl
Bailey Graham
Shelby Ingoglia
Sasha Goodnes
Cammie Cogswell
Sally Toyama
Harley Tiel Bailey
Chester Lindemann
Mocha-Angelo Randolph

Mocha-Angelo Randolph

May 23, 2020

Mocha-Angelo Randolph The life of this lovable pup started on the day his new dads found him in a ditch… waiting for his suffering to end. When he saw Bear and I he was so excited, you would not know how bad of shape he was in if you were not looking at the scars, and dire condition his body...

Naughtie Ford
Brandy Rachford
Terry Hughes
Terra Maher